If you have been looking for a way to make the windshield on your car more rain resistant, with Aquapel, water will simply bead up on the surface and roll off the glass which means that even without the aid of wipers, you can still see in the rain. Whether you want to treat your windshield with Aquapel as a precaution or are doing so after a glass repair that came due to smashing your windshield in poor weather conditions, you will see a huge improvement once the Aquapel is on there. Aquapel bonds directly to the glass making it strong and repellent not just to water, but to snow, ice, and mud as well. You will find that your vehicle is more easily driven after an icy night with Aquapel glass treatment simply because you will not have to take a lot of time to clear the windshield of ice.
Once a company has been found that provides Aquapel and other treatments in window tinting Rochester NY residents will also see that they offer other window services for the home. You might not know it, but if you can feel drafts in your home, it maintains a low temperature even with the heat up, and the windows rattle, then you most likely need replacement windows. Bad windows can be a large heat transfer source, especially if they are old and uninsulated which means that you are spending money on sky high heat bills just to send it out the window every day.
The U.S. Department of Energy tells us that roughly $30 billion in energy is ultimately lost through employing inefficient or single pane windows in the home. On the other hand, window films can actually reject near 80 percent of solar energy. This will keep a room cooler and bring down energy costs.
A local Rochester windows vendor can make sure that all of the needs for both your car and your home are taken care of. While your vehicle is able to perform better in the rain due to Aquapel, your home can get the new windows and special films to help lower your energy bills. This green living idea can save you a lot of money.
If you have neglected your windows thus far, this is the time to make a change. New windows are an easy enough project and will be worth it. In truth, they will pay for themselves over time.